Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Man, I'm tired.

Have you ever decided to be spontaneously poetic or artistic? I consider doing this quite often. I'll decide to delve into my emotions and put them on paper, or tape, or, at times, just put them into verbal dialogue. Take this Blog for instance. There are a couple of blog entries here where I just wrote what "came out." I wrote it, proof-read it, posted it, reread it (a couple of times), and then went away thinking I was poetic, artistic, humorous, or worse. (Take the ending of the last sentence for another example... a list followed by "or worse." Irony. I put it there for humor, maybe. Or maybe it's deep, raw emotion..?)
Now, some of you could argue that because I "tipped my hand" in the previous parenthetical that I have turned potential poetry/irony into science and philosophy. Maybe... maybe it's a combination and now it has become theraputic.
Have you ever decided to be spontaneously poetic or artistic with words or pictures and when you're done, if you were to be perfectly honest, you didn't know what the hell you just did? You just addressed emotions and feelings that you don't understand and futiley labeled them as motives for art? Maybe it is art, or maybe it's vomit of the mind or the sluffing of the soul.


lindsay anne said...

as Lindsay Lohan would say in the fine film, "Mean Girls", -- it's "Word Vomit".

and, to tell you the truth, I am not exactly feeling your sentiments. but I think that's because I am a control freak and I try not to let my emotions out on paper/web (ever) for fear that I will look back and hate everything I just said. keep it light and fresh, that's what I say.

Linna said...

I on the other hand feel your sentiments to an extreme.....when i made my blog it was officially ordained the out pour of all that i am not sure what to say but i am going to write it and see what happens....well.....maybe not that completely but it is a portion of emotional vomitting - rated PG.

Two Guns said...

Art is for lovers.

Life is just an extended metaphore for death.

Um... sorry about that, don't worry, I'll clean it up...