Tuesday, April 26, 2005

So I gotta tell ya...

I'm a bartender. And that means I get to put up with some crap. So right now I just need to vent. If you come to the bar and everything seems to be very clean and the bartender is wiping everything down... DON'T SIT DOWN AND ORDER A MILLION THINGS AND THEN TAKE YOUR SWEET TIME TO FINISH UP!!! If it looks like the bar is being shut down simply ask if the bar is closing. The bartender will tell you "yes" or "no" or "soon." When he sets your check in front of you it does NOT mean "here's your check. I'll just set it in front of you to stare at, but please, by no means, don't pay for it for another hour or two." It actually means "Here's your check, it's time to put your food down and get the H#!! out of here!" I'm sick of waiting around for people to eat their 5 lbs burgers at 12:30 in the morning! (deep breath) ok... thank you. Would you like another round?


lindsay anne said...

I get the hint. I will NEVER come into Jerry's again.
the nerve of some people. telling you when you're cut off...when you gotta go home...well I say SCREW THAT. I can drink when and how and where I want to. yeah. take that bartenders of america. you better watch out. I am gonna drink till the cows come home! woo!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I should have previewed my comment before I posted it before...anyway...I know exactly what you mean. I was a bartender at my last job and one night these stupid idiots came in 5 minutes to close and said, "why don't we just sit at the bar and eat" forget the fact that I hadn't had any customers for 2 hours and was completely done with all my sidework. It took me 2 hours after close til I got to go home. ummm...so I can relate. it sucks