Sunday, April 24, 2005

PRESSURES of creativity

Well, I've opened a blogspot. My very own venue to express whatever I want. Unfortunately I feel really pressured to use this only when I have something creative to write. I feel like I'm much better at commenting on someone else's work... adding to it, fixing it, whatever, just as long as I don't have to initiate the creativity. I think so much. I'm mulling over something trivial all of the time, but right now I got nothin'. These will get better. I promise. (I'm not sure who I'm even talking to right now.) I'm just stuck in my head.

1 comment:

Two Guns said...

Okay, look here, Mr. Remember When I, I don't like your face, and I don't like the way that you are looking at me, and I don't like you or what you do, or what you are currently doing, and I don't like your magnet tongue, so why don't you pick up your bags and get the H E double hocky sticks outta here? Hear? Oh yeah, and ur great so u have 2 come see my blog okay!? :)