Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Crash'N Crunch

So, I saw something equal parts Grotesque and Amazing today. I was on my way home from the gym (yes, ladies, I work out...) and I'm headed west bound and... Before I go on... Have you ever thought back on a moment in time and realized you were able to recollect a lot of info from that situation that you may not have ever given any thought to had that situation not been substantial enough to ever necessitate recollection? If you don't know what I'm talking about maybe you'll understand when I explain what happened next...
So, I'm driving home from the gym (yes, ladi... sorry, looks like I already wrote this part.) and a guy on a Harley (motorcycle) drives past me going the opposite direction. For the purpose of heightened drama, we'll call this dude, Bad Dude. I would have never even given a thought to the fact that I saw Bad Dude drive by if this next part of my story didn't happen...
As soon as this guy leaves my peripheral view (to my left) I hear a horrifying CRASSSHHHH!!! Immediately I turn my head left and see the once tough looking Harley Davidson Bad Dude all crumpled up in a cloud of dust, smoke, and motorcycle parts sliding/tumbling down the street! He slid for like 100 feet, body contorting in ways that it was never meant to (unless you believe in predestination)! His bike went right with him, disentegrating into little pieces as it went.
At this point let me tell you that I realize that I'm lucky I didn't wreck because my eyes were glued to Dude's misfortune. I remember thinking, "Oh my goodness, Dude's dead."
Still there? Here's the crazy, hardcore, Harley riding, Hell's Angels part of the story.
Bad Dude eventually slides onto his side, scoops himself up and runs after his bike, which eventually finds its way under a car that was stopped at a light!
Let me recap... This guy eats it - HARD - slides down the asphalt at about 50 mph, GETS HIMSELF UP, and RUNS after his perm-i-lame chopper!
At this point my story concludes because I drove out of view. But, I'd love for each of you to go about your day and create your own extension of this truly amazing chapter in the ongoing saga I've grown to love... "BAD DUDES!"


lindsay anne said...

OK, so here's what happened...
as bad dude ran to retreive his newly remodeled bike, angry mercedes man (we'll say this is the name of the guy with a motorcycle under his car... for heightened drama) leaps from his newly remodeled mercedes.. or should we say lowered from the harley wiping out its tires.. and angry mecedes man crushes what's left of bad dudes bleeding skull, leaving the undying spirit of the bad a@% harley man as dead as he was.

the end
by: one miss jennifer kendall

Two Guns said...

Okay My Head, "two bird lindsay" obviously was not paying attention to the actual story, or she would have known that Bad Dude cannot be killed by yuppie Mercedes drivers, as he had already survived the record-breaking 100m dash that his head completed on the asphalt. You should definitly dump this girl before things get too serious. Besides, she fritters about her day, and you know it.

Linna said...

first of all when did two bird lindsay become your lady of choice and second I would have to agree there is no way the bad dude would die after his little crash and burn.
it is plain to see that bad dude pick up his bike, slammed his foot down on the gas, hopped back onto the bike and drove off into the sunset leaving pieces, parts and mercedes man in his dust.

lindsay anne said...

chilren of the corn...
the point of the matter is that comment was written by JEN KENDALL under the auspices of two bird lindsay (yes, check the bottom of the comment). so all your arguments were in vain. and who are you mr. two guns to say I fritter about my day? I want to see your day in UNITS, man.

Two Guns said...

You may see my units, as soon as I am through washing them. Until then, you may stop denying your own words and commence with the frittering.