Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Aftermathematics of Interest

I was trying to think of the most oppressive word in the english language today and the word I came up with was - Debt. What a bad mother(bleepin) mother(bleeper)...

Then I got to thinkin' 'bout how Debt is spelled... What's the deal? Who came up with that spelling? Probably some guy that owed some king or mayor or someone a ton of money plus a new Word. And when the oppressed dude finally paid up, he probably used the word "Det", but since it took him so long to pay and to come up with a new word, he probably owed some interest on top. So, he threw in the extra letter "B" just to make the king guy happy. ...Probably.

And then I got to realizing that the word Owe has the same issues as Debt does. And they mean the SAME thing! So, whoever owed this mayor guy money and words owed A LOT - Two words AND money! My goodness, what a terrible couple of words... And story behind them.


Anonymous said...

interesting perspective

Anonymous said...

you're effing crazy, man.

Anonymous said...


ms. tea said...

you have been tagged (