My traveling friend and I traveled out of today's visited town and back into our temporary home town, which we are also visiting. During our temporary return we stopped in to have a bite to eat at our favorite restaurant in a town we were temporarily visiting in order to eat. This was the town next to the one we traveled to in order to temporarily visit.
Before all of this, but on the same day, while we were visiting the town we had traveled to in order to visit which, I formally called the "visited town", my traveling friend and I discussed between the two of us that our souls were weary from rebellion and the Spirit of which, we had invited in at different times between the two of us in the past, was calling us to travel back to a former place in our hearts where peace could be better found. Upon this realization and confirmation, and upon the completion of our visitation into the visited town (which I'll now reveal as Thessaloniki) we ended up at our afformentioned restaurant in the town next to our town.
Once here, we happened across a fellow food patron (an Irishman) who invited himself to our table for a bit of conversation which, in a matter of moments, extended into hours. We, the three, discussed many topics of important significance, but cleverly disguised them in trivial examples; he in what he knew best, mostly of ventures around the world; our's in what we knew best, whatever that may be.
Our new friend was kind and bought a bottle of wine and, in so doing, invited our hearts to spill out into his ears. But wisdom took hold and all my soul desired was to listen to another man's tales. He grasped the same life truths as I but did not understand why and I patiently did not answer. On any other day the truth would have been told to my fellow man, but today the Spirit called my weary soul back to Him and so, He encouraged me through example to practice patience and shrewdness.
Today I listened. Tomorrow may be the same. All the same, the truth shall be told.
I enjoyed this.
your a good writer, pappy. i wish i was traveling the world.
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