Friday, February 10, 2006


I am back from visiting family in Ohio. It was a lot of fun. It's always interesting to me that I can be in one climate and situation in the morning and be thousands of miles away and into a completely different situation all in one day. Yesterday I was sleding down a hill with my sisters at about noon and then I was sweating in the Hollywood night that, er, night.
Anyway, it was a great start to my long vacation. And when I got home I found my new Taylor guitar had arrived in the mail. I'm taking it with me to Europe.

It's 3am. I'm leaving for New York at 9am. I'm getting sick... Throat's sore, lymph nodes swollen, nose plugged, oh, joy.

I'll post a picture or something on the travel site when we get to New York.

Thanks all for your support.


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